[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about the story of Subuddhi-Dushtabuddhi with a moral - everything in life is temporary and constantly changing.   

29 Oct 2023 428 Views

"In the veins of every one of my people flows the blood of Indian ancestors and the culture that we possess is steeped through and through with Indian influences. Two thousand years ago people from your country came to Jawadvipa and Suvarnadvipa in the spirit of brotherly love.” Suharto Sukarno.
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to inform you that the overwhelming majority of Bala Samskar Kendras learned about Panchatantra’s the story of Subudhi and Dushtabudhi.
The story of Subuddhi-Dushtabudhi
Once upon a time there were two friends named Subuddhi and Dushtabudhi in a village. They left home to do business and earn money. On the way they found a jar full of money. Taking it, both left for their homes to take half of the money. They decided to bury Warabinde under a tree outside the village at night so that someone would see it and one day both would come again in the same way and take it away, and if they did that, the villagers would not be suspicious of them and would not feel jealous.
Hope has increased for the evil mind. He wanted to redeem all those gold coins himself. One night he went alone and brought the bottle and kept it in the house. After some years, Subuddhi came and said, "Friend! Let's get the bundle of money that we have hidden." Dushtabuddhi followed him. Both dug under the tree. No matter how much I dug and searched, I couldn't find the stone. The evil mind said to the good mind, "Wicked man! Will you deceive me! What will happen to the treasure hidden here? Do you come and take it early without telling me and play like a fool?" Subuddhi said angrily, my friend! As a witness of God, I know nothing. There is no chance of anyone else knowing our secret. Bindemaindo, who made it! Everything is strange, "Your deceitful words will not count with me. Give me my share of money politely! Or I will complain to the king," the evil-minded man threatened him. Those words hurt Subuddhi so much. Then Subuddhi said, "If you don't believe me, what can I do? Do as you like, everything is the responsibility of that Lord."
Dushtabuddhi complained to the king. The king listened to both of them. Then the king made that money with a bad mind? Is there any evidence for that? He spoke. "Maharaja! If justice is hidden, can it be hidden? There is a tree where the bins are left! Those three witnesses, Subuddhi, will tell the truth in front of you tomorrow that it was Subuddhi who stole the money. Investigate and do justice to me," Dusthabuddhi said to the king. All the members of the assembly were surprised at those words. Will the tree bear witness? Let's see what this movie is tomorrow" thought Raju.
Dushtbuddhi came home and explained what had happened in the king's pond to his father, who was an old man, and said, "Father! How can we get the stolen money? If you say one word, all this money will be ours. Subuddhi will be punished. Without any danger, we can live comfortably with this money. That tree is as strong as a man."  It cannot be seen outside. No one knows unless they climb up to the top of the tree and see it. At night, sneak into the trunk of the tree and sit secretly. Tomorrow when the king comes and asks, "Subuddhi has found the money hidden here. "An evil mind knows nothing."
To those words, the father began to tell the story, "Oh, you wretch! It seems that bad times have come to you. Otherwise, do you have such bad thoughts? He who acts without thinking ahead of time will be harmed like a bad stork. Listen to your story."
The moral of this story is that everything in life is temporary and constantly changing. Therefore, we should not get attached to anything or anyone as it will eventually change. 
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